Contact Us

In case you have any doubts regarding our services or wish to bring forward any discrepancies such as refund orders you can contact us as well.

We provide you with different options for contacting us. Get in touch with us as we always like to hear from our customers. This helps us to provide our services in a better way and also improve our customer service. We like to see customers smiles at the end of the day and that is what we look to provide you with.

In case you have any complaints then you can tell us. We will try to fulfill your demands as per the company policies.

Here is how you can contact us-

Contact us on our helpline number

We have a helpline number available on our homepage. You can visit our homepage and contact us. You will be contacting and speaking with our executives over the phone. Our helpline number may be busy sometimes but we respect your time and cooperation in this regard.

Contact us via email

You can communicate with us via email. If you have any refund orders to make or just want to speak with us get our email id by visiting our homepage.

We look to respond immediately to our customers. We do regret the delay in reverting to you. Sometimes our emails might go into your spam folder. Just make sure to check your spam folder once. We communicate with you only for business purposes.

Tell us when to contact you according to your convenient time

If you are very busy or else have tried contacting us on our helpline number in vain then you can ask us to give a call as per your free time. Just fill a form asking your details or queries or doubts and mention the date and time and the mobile number on which to give a call. Our executives will give you a call on the given phone number. 

You can leave us a message and we will get back to you

You can write down your queries and send them to us. We will reply to you via email:

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